Van de Sandt Source Information


1358, August 11: Original charter at Hauptstaatsarchiv Düsseldorf (Kurköln, Urk. 639).


Archbishop William declares that the knight John van Gemen and his mother Elisabeth ever give up their rights to the archiepiscopal fishery near Rees called up den Sande for themselves and their heirs, and that the Lord van Gemen has been entitled, in the name of the archbishop, to acquire the Hof up den Sande from Konrad vammeSande and his wife Greta.


W. Janssen, Die Regesten der Erzbischöfe von Köln im Mittelalter, vol. 6,

Cologne-Bonn 1977, nr. 1115, p. 313.

Also recorded as:

‘Msc. B 1 S. 247’ in: Th. Ilgen, Quellen zur inneren Geschichte der Rheinischen Territorien; Herzogtum Kleve, I. Ämter und Gerichte, vol. 2, Düsseldorf 1978, p. 425, footnote 2.

1394: Original charter at Hauptstaatsarchiv Düsseldorf (Reg. Cliv. G Bl. 141v ).


Lambert van den Sande, his wife Griete and their son Evert have tenancy rights on the Hof up den Sande near Rees, belonging to Aspel and Rees, where they live. Regarding this they have a letter from the archbishopric of Cologne.

Hoge Raad van Adel (Dutch Nobility Council), coll. W.A. van Spaen (1750-1817), inv. nr. 90A44; also coll. Snouckaert van Schauburg, 3881.
See also: Th. Ilgen, Quellen zur inneren Geschichte der Rheinischen Territorien; Herzogtum Kleve, I. Ämter und Gerichte, vol. 2, Düsseldorf 1978, p. 425, footnote 4.

1412: Original charter at Stadtarchiv Rees (Rotulus 13).



The married couple Lambert and Griete van den Sande give up their two houses near the cemetery at Rees on behalf of their son John van den Sande and his wife Elisabeth.

Al. Meister, Annalen des Historischen Vereins für den Niederrhein, vol. 64, Cologne 1897, p. 168.

Ryckwyn II van den Sande 1604/1624
1604/1624: Text on a lot map of the Hof op den Sande by Heinrich von Seenhem Original at the Museum Burg Linn, Krefeld (Germany)



Drawing of the Hof up gen Sand opposite Rees, in possession of Ryckwyn van de Sande's heirs, lastly cultivated by Derick Zellen, in the situation it was in March 1604. It is recorded that the house was demolished in August 1624 because of the building of the fortress.


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